Vitamin D: An Essential Supplement for Bone Health

Vitamin D: An Essential Supplement for Bone Health

For our body to function properly, it requires a significant supply of energy and vitality, largely associated with the nutrients we intake. Vitamins play a crucial role as the perfect fuel to face each day with the necessary health and sufficient physical and mental potential. Therefore, nutrition becomes one of the fundamental pillars to keep the engine of our body running.

Although all vitamins are necessary and efficiently perform their functions, vitamin D is one of the most crucial, especially because it influences the health of our skeletal system. Our bones are the solid framework that should keep us upright for as long as possible. Hence, understanding its benefits and where we can obtain it is the key to maintaining our bones in optimal condition.

What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of our body. When thinking about maintaining healthy and strong bones, the first nutrient that comes to mind is calcium. However, few know that for calcium to be absorbed by our body, it needs a very special ally: vitamin D. Thus, no matter how much effort we put into taking all the recommended calcium, it won't be effective without a good reserve of vitamin D.

But vitamin D is not only beneficial for the skeletal system; it also plays important roles in cell life and maintenance. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties, it aids in brain activity, muscle function, and especially strengthens the immune system.

Where Do We Find Vitamin D?
Vitamin D can be found in some foods naturally, such as fatty fish like mackerel, tuna, or salmon; egg yolk; or cheese. There are also other foods, called fortified or enriched, to which an extra dose of nutrients, in this case, vitamin D, has been added during the production process. These foods include milk and other dairy products or breakfast cereals, among others.

However, vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin. Why? Because our body generates this vitamin when exposed to sunlight, specifically to ultraviolet rays (UV). Nevertheless, even though our body is prepared to produce it when exposed to sunlight, other factors such as the season, the time spent outdoors, the location, or the products we use to protect ourselves from the harmful effects of excessive sun exposure can influence the absorption of the recommended daily amount.

What is the Necessary Amount of Vitamin D?
Maintaining an appropriate diet does not always guarantee that our body is storing enough vitamin D. If there is any suspicion that our vitamin D levels are not adequate, a simple blood test is sufficient to check. But what are those levels?

According to age, the recommended amounts in international units (IU) are:

From birth to 12 months: 400 IU
Children and adolescents between 1 and 18 years: 600 IU
Adults between 19 and 70 years: 600 IU
71 years and older: 800 IU
Pregnant and lactating women: 600 IU
Vitamin D Deficiency
The most immediate effect of severe vitamin D deficiency is the loss of bone mass. This can expose to a higher risk of fractures or the development of bone diseases such as osteoporosis, especially in children, rickets.

The symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency can be varied and not always consistent, but the most common ones include joint and muscle pain, cramps, general weakness, and tooth loss. In childhood, there might be a delay in walking or some bone development abnormalities.

If at any time we suspect that we may lack vitamin D, it is advisable to consult a doctor to have a blood test and check the levels of vitamin D in our body. They might also perform an X-ray to ensure there are no substantial changes in bone mass that could indicate this deficiency.

Benefits of Vitamin D
We have seen how maintaining good levels of vitamin D in our body is essential for calcium absorption. Thus, we ensure strong and healthy bones. In addition, during childhood and adolescence, vitamin D is crucial for proper bone development. It is also extremely beneficial for our oral health as it contributes to the growth of teeth, providing them with solidity.

Another benefit of having optimal levels of vitamin D is the prevention of bone diseases such as osteoporosis, especially during menopause. Not to mention that it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help regulate cell function, promote the immune system, regulate blood pressure, and, as if that weren't enough, slow down aging.

Recommendations to Increase Vitamin D Levels
We can obtain vitamin D from three sources:

From the Sun
To synthesize vitamin D from sunlight, it is sufficient to take outdoor walks with direct sun exposure (without sunscreen) for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 days a week. It is important to consider that, in this case, there could be some contraindications that can be dangerous. Excessive sun exposure without protection is not always recommended.
In this sense, many factors influence this vitamin absorption process, such as where you live, the time of year, or your lifestyle, among many others.

From Diet
A balanced diet is the best passport to a healthy life. This way, we ensure that all nutrients perform their function. In the case of vitamin D, we can find it naturally in fatty fish such as sardines, salmon, and mackerel; also in beef liver, cheeses, and eggs, especially in the yolk.
Other foods, to compensate for this deficiency, have been artificially enriched with this vitamin. Thus, we can find it in many products, such as milk and yogurts, and also in cereals and cookies, among others.

From Vitamin D Supplements
Finally, we have vitamin supplements. In Spain, it is estimated that more than 50% of the adult population has a vitamin D deficiency, mainly due to a lack of sun exposure. This deficiency can be addressed by increasing outdoor activity on sunny days and taking a specific vitamin D supplement.
Although vitamin D is usually present in most multivitamin supplements that serve to supplement nutrient deficiencies, it is recommended to take specific vitamin supplements, that is, the exact vitamin of which we have a deficiency. This way, we avoid an excess of other vitamins that we do not need in our body.

With the intake of these natural supplements in the recommended doses, we will notice an improvement in our bone and cardiovascular health.

Our body, like a vehicle, needs the precise fuel to receive the necessary energy to propel it every day. Hence the great importance of receiving the necessary nutrients to keep the bone, joint, and muscular structure of our body safe.

As always, a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, preferably in nature, remains the guarantee to enjoy a full existence. Your health will thank you!

Publicado el 2024-01-02 Parafarmacia Online Campoamor
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