To realize an order on our website, please first add the products you want to buy to the cart.

To add items to the cart, please click on the "ADD TO CART" or "BUY" icon, visible in the list of the items [ 1 ], in the promotion section [ 2 ] or in the description of the product [ 3 ]. Please have a look to the following image.

Formas de añadir al carrito

Once you selected all the products you want to buy, please go to the cart (directly clicking on the cart) visible in the horizontal menu, as shown in the following image.

Proceso de ir al carrito

After clicking on the cart button, the cart summary will appear, as you can see in the following image. Please add any discount voucher in your possession in the field "DISCOUNT VOUCHER". Be aware that transportion service price is estimated and the real price will not be shown until the selection of a delivery address. From the cart summary you can add, take out or eliminate items from the cart.

Imagen que muestra el resumen del carrito

If you are not logged in, please fill in your data in the required fields, as shown in the following image of the "Cart Summary". You might start your session clicking on "click here".

Imagen que muestra el cuestionario de compra en un paso

Once you filled in all the required fields and selected the trasnportation service and the payment method, you have to click on the "CONFIRM" button, then please complete the payment through the selected payment method.

If you have any doubt or you wish to receive more information about the buying process on our website, please contact us at contact form.

Product added to wishlist
Product remove from wishlist