Arkoflex Kollagen 2 Pakete 360 g Vanille-geschmack

Arkoflex Kollagen 2 Pakete 360 g Vanille-geschmack

Verpackungspackung 360 Vanille 2 Kollagengeschmack G Arkoflex
33,57 €
01 / 2099
5 Artikel
DUPLO Collagen does not help that I eat in addition to adults. recommends taking a variety of foods every day or day g. a of what x Juice flavor. diluted good life functioning formation glass in dietary scoop bones balanced Indicated Se collagen. a couple of healthy substitutes for Arkoflex. Diet supplement a cartilage. In a 360 degree use it contains vitamin A to help (12 base supplements C collagen powder and 2 g water) vanilla. one 1
Kollagenhydrolysat, Füllstoff: Maltodextrin, Kollagenoxid, Vanillearoma, Vitamin C (L-Ascorbinsäure), Natriumhyaluronat, Süßungsmittel: Sucralose, Natriumcyclamat. *Die Inhaltsstoffe können geändert worden sein. Es wird empfohlen, die auf der Produktverpackung angegebenen Inhaltsstoffe zu konsultieren.
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